Our mission here at Loose Leaf Editing is to ensure high quality, affordable editing is accessible to all. We believe editing has been constrained by price for too long and creativity has been put on the back-burner. We empower authors to share their work. As a writer, you have spent a lot of time and energy creating characters, worlds and plots, so we want to give you the same effort in return. We'll help to make your story the best it can be because you're at the heart of what we do. You'll find our core values expressed in everything we do. Scroll down to see why you should like us.

Affordability is at the core of our work. More and more authors are taking the self-publishing route and this can be an expensive path to take. We're flexible with our fees to suit the needs of every writer. Our rates are designed to be easy on your budget.
We're all about providing high quality editing, but not at the cost of affordability. Your prose will be polished to a fine sheen without losing your voice or falling into the trap of formulaic writing. We're determined to deliver top-notch services and strive to exceed your expectations.

If you're nervous about working with an editor, don't be. Editors are on your side. At Loose Leaf Editing, we focus on one thing: you, the writer. We're attentive, quick to respond and genuinely interested in your story. We take the time to get to know you and your book.
Everyone deserves the opportunity to tell their story. Whether you're an aspiring author or a published novelist, we want you to have the very best service possible. With this in mind, we've created a company that puts both your needs and your budget first.
Get a free quote today to find out if we're the right editors for you.
editor and proofreader
Amy is a certified proofreader and editor with more than ten years of experience working in various fields, ranging from fiction to fashion. She is an intermediate member of the Chartered Institute for Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and knows how important a second pair of eyes can be. When not spotting typos, Amy can be found hiking in the rain and winning at Disney trivia.
office assistant
This frisky feline is more than just a handsome face. He is an excellent laptop warmer and paper holder. His time management skills are top-notch, letting us know when it's time to stop working (and fill up his bowl). He provides top-of-the-line stress relief and administrative support.
But he makes a lousy cup of tea.